I have done a heap of interviews in the last few years. In our efforts to support learning about movement (and to save you time searching on the internet) here is a list to work through. Some podcasts have transcripts and/or video; we’ve added and linked a T or V so you can find the version that works best for you.
We’ll be adding new interviews to the list and when we find older ones that are missing, we’ll add those too. If you like listening to learn, be sure to check out our audiobook library as well.
Stop Chasing Pain: My Perfect Movement Plan
NPRs LifeKit: How To Improve Your Posture
Nobody Listens to Paula Poundstone: Katy Bowman Moves Us
Balanced Bites: Embrace Aging, But Do It Well
Finding the Throughline: Finding the kind of writing that feels like a downhill flow
The Resetter Podcast: The Movement Diet—Redefining Fitness at Every Age
LifeTime Talks: How to Create a Diverse Movement Diet
Restore To Explore: How To Craft Your Perfect Movement Plan
This Morning Walk: Discovering Your Movement Diet
1000 Hours Outside Podcast: Exercise is Only One Facet of Movement
WeShape: Movement vs. Exercise—Rethinking How and Why We Need to Move
The Wise Effort Show: Designing Your Perfect Movement Plan
The Joe Gardener Show: How to Maintain Your Ultimate Gardening Tool, Your Body
The Well-Fed Women Podcast: Creating Your Perfect Movement and Exercise Plan
Ask Dr. Jessica: How To Get Our Kids To Move More Outside!
Minimalist Moms: Reimagine the Transformative Power of Movement
Wellness Mama: Biomechanics of Breast Movement (and General Movement)
Ancestral Health Today: Move More of YOU!
The Holistic OBGYN: Unlocking Life's Full Potential Through Movement Revolution
MindBodyDad: Insights on Shoes, Exercise, and Rethink Your Position
1000 Hours Outside: How to Recognize Signs of Movement Hunger
Next Economy Living: Finding Ways to Move More
99 Walks: Building Your Movement Toolkit
The Student Physical Therapist: Understanding Pain and Injury at the Cellular Level and How Clinicians Can Better Assess and Communicate With Patients
1000 Hours Outside: How to Recognize Signs of Movement Hunger
The Curious Midlife: How We Move Through The World
The Ready State: Expanding Your Movement Diet and Making Movement Meaningful Beyond Fitness
B.RAD Podcast: Rethink Your Position, Maximize Your Body, Minimize Your Life
Old-Fashioned On Purpose: Movement Permaculture
40+ Fitness: How to Reshape Your Body for Better Movement and Less Pain
The Gabby Reece Show: Movement as Medicine and Dynamic Living
The Model Health Show: Upgrading everyday movements, and the #1 stretch to do daily
Kathy Smith: The Art of Living—Sleep shapes, better balance and going beyond the obvious
Balanced Bites: Movement is Bigger than Fitness
The Foot Collective: Biomechanics, Alignment and Movement
The Consumate Athlete: Cycling, sports and parenting
Your Life in Process: Rethink Your Position and Move Nutritiously
The Living Experiment: What is nutritious movement?
The Hamilton Review: On the Importance of Movement
That Chair is a Cast: The Movement (not exercise!) Gospel of Katy Bowman
Nekkid: All About Sedentary Culture
REI Podcast:Movement Diet with Katy Bowman
Entretien avec Katy Bowman pour Grandir Sauvage (English & French)
The Happy Pear: How Modern Moving is Aging Us
RHR: Why Movement is Essential to Health
Your Life in Process: How to Move Your Body More Nutritiously
The Permaculture Podcast: A Permaculture Perspective of Health and Movement
Your Life in Process: Nutritious Movement and Why it Matters
Move.Breathe.Live with Wib Yoga and Spirit Wren: Katy Bowman and Nutritious Movement
Align Podcast: The Movement Diet & Why it Matters
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals: Nutritous Movement with Katy Bowman
Intentional Aging: Movement with Katy Bowman with the North Olympic Library System
Steven Lin: Chewing and Movement for Jaw Development and Healthier Children
Simple Family: Grow Wild
Untaming: Rewild the Child. Grow Wild
Raising Wildlings: Grow Wild
Grow Wild on Medical Mondays NPR
99 Walks: Walking Mechanics
Katy Bowman and Gray Cook (V)
Listen Here Now: Serious Library News Magazine
The Wellness Mama: Optimal Movement for Children and Families (T)
Evolve, Move, Play Podcast: Growing Wild with Katy Bowman (V)
1000 Hours Outside Podcast: Bare feet, Movement Hunger, and a Home with No Furniture (V, T)
Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness: with Katy Bowman
Sage Family Podcast: Grow Wild with Katy Bowman
IDEAfit Pro Show: Rethinking Movement Outside of the Gym
Optimize with Brian Johnson: Move Your DNA
The Sword Guy Podcast: Movement Matters with Katy Bowman (T)
How to Be a Better Person: Summer Activities for Kids: A Guide to Getting Kids Outside (T)
The Model Health Show: How Clothing, Cooking, & Culture Controls Our Movement (V,T)
Get-Fit Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips: How to Raise a Child Who Loves to Move (T)
All About Fitness: Movement is Counterculture
The B.rad Podcast: Grow Wild And The Importance of Movement Nutrition (T)
Habit Stack Your Movement(s)–Minimalist Moms Podcast
The Fitnessista: Walking for Fitness and Movement Longevity
Get-Fit Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips: Walking Is a Fitness Superfood—6 Steps to Better Stepping (T)
The Movement Movement Podcast: Are You Walking Wrong? (V)
Phoenix Helix- Autoimmune Health: Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman (T)
Psychologists Off The Clock: Nutritious Movement and Why it Matters
Homebirth Midwife Podcast: Diastasis Recti and Pregnancy
Align Podcast: Psychology of Movement, Pelvic Floor Strength, Movement Architecture
Broken Brain Podcast: Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman
Listen to Your Body Podcast: How to Integrate Movement Into Your Life and Enjoy It
Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed: Move Your DNA
40+ Fitness: Dynamic Aging
Evolving Past Alzheimers: Nutritious Movement and Dynamic Aging
Medicine Stories: Living in your Ancestral Body
Muscle Expert Podcast: Move Your DNA- Getting Back to the Basics of Movement
Evolve, Move, Play Podcast: Movement Ecology (V)
The Masterful Art of Self Care: Nutritious Movement
The Slow Home Podcast: Nutritious Movement and Couchless Living
Dirt in Your Skirt: On Movement And Community, Social Media Breaks And Moving Parties
Datsusara Podcast: Nutritious Movement Matters
Barbell Shrugged: Moving All Your Cells (V)
Optimize with Brian Johnson: Interview: Movement Matters
Ingefaer: Katy Bowman on Movement
Fit Bottomed Girls: with Katy Bowman
Your Life Blueprint Podcast: Why Movement Matters
The Art of Living with Kathy Smith: Becoming a Superager
Health, Nutrition and Functional Medicine: Movement as Nutrition (T)
Adventures in Humaning: Movement Matters
Workplace Hero: To Sit or Not to Sit
Liberated Body: Movement Matters with Katy Bowman
Beauty Inside Out with Kimberly Snyder: The Nature of Movement
RDella Training: Movement Matters and the Science of Better Movement
Whole Body Mental Health Radio: Movement Matters
All About Fitness: Understanding the Difference Between Movement and Exercise
Dirt in Your Skirt: Move Your DNA, Talking Why Movement Matters
The Life Stylist Podcast with Luke Storey: Nutritious Movement and the Anti-Workout (V)
Earth Rise with Derek Beres: Movement Matters
The Model Health Show: Why All Movement Matters (V)
Sustainable Dish: Movement Matters with Katy Bowman
Consummate Athlete Podcast: Why Movement Matters with Katy Bowman
180 Nutrition: the Health Sessions: Why Exercise and Movement are Two Very Different Things (V, T)
The Art of Living with Kathy Smith: Rethink Your Every Step (T)
Fitness for Freedom Tips: Must Reads, Move Your DNA
Optimize with Brian Johnson: Don't Just Sit There
The Model Health Show: Don't Just Sit There (V)
Simply Human: Katy Bowman interview
Stop Chasing Pain: Katy Bowman Returns
Paleo Runner: Aligned and Well
Paleo Magazine Radio: Move Your DNA - Video only
The Latest in Paleo: Movement as Nutrition
The Primal Kitchen Podcast: Katy Bowman
Mobility WOD with Kelly Starrett: Katy Bowman - Video only
Align Podcast: Circulation, Saggy Tits and Nutritious Movement
The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf: Move Your DNA Q & A
Yoga and Beyond: Whole Body Barefoot
Eat Move Live 52: Whole Body Barefoot
ReWild Yourself: Sitting Ninjas vs. Couchless Samurais
Structural Performance: Are You Living in a Human Zoo?
Ben Greenfield Fitness: Why you shouldn't suck in your stomach, etc…
Nourish Balance Thrive: Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Ultimate Health Podcast: Minimize Your Footwear, Embrace Calluses, Ditch the Furniture
Simply Human: Katy Bowman Returns
IFS Podcast: Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman - Video only
Yoga and Beyond: Move Your DNA
Stop Chasing Pain: Move Your DNA
Core Biomechanics: An Interview with Liz Koch
Balanced Bites Podcast: Zucchini cheese, Blended Coffee & Katy Bowman
Underground Wellness: Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf: Best of Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Smash the Fat: Move Your DNA - Video only
Liberated Body: Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy: Katy Bowman Interview
The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf: Katy Bowman
Yoga and Beyond: Katy Bowman Interview
Simply Human: Katy Bowman Interview
Ben Greenfield Fitness: Making Biomechanics Fun