This post from 2013 was edited, updated, and expanded in 2020. This is one out of a handful of our favorite articles on walking, including topics covering what various “walking parts” do as well as…
Sit Down, Stand Up
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Don’t Just Sit There (you can find the ebook in our Office Workers ‘Don’t Just Sit There’ Multimedia Course).…
It’s the Great Load Lesson, Charlie Brown
For years I’ve been writing about alignment matters. There are now hundreds of articles on why alignment matters. But really, alignment matters because load matters. The loads your body experiences are the precursors to adaptation.…
Travel Notes
I’ve just returned from two weeks working in Hawaii, the second week being completely tech-free. No phone. No texting. No internet. No Facebook. No nada. I cannot recommend a tech break enough. (Paradox: My recommendation…
Stick Your Landing
Q: What happens when you combine lateral hip weakness-induced ankle schmear with jumping and climbing stairs? A: Knee injury. I’m about to give you really cool information about landing a jump and taking the stairs…
One of These Feet is Not Like the Other
Do you have one foot longer than the other? Have your feet gotten longer during your pregnancy or in other scenarios? Check it. Yesterday I was hanging out in the local Audubon center when I…
This Birth “Helper” is a Stretch
Here’s the gist of today’s post: A company called Materna Medical is conducting research on a device that will pre-stretch a woman’s pelvic floor during the first stage of labor. NO I AM NOT JOKING.…
Passive Collapse: A poem
There was a foot, The cutest little foot, The weakest little foot, That you ever did see. Now, the foot’s on the ground, And the ground tugs the foot, And the green grass grows all…
Expert Ankles
This article from 2013 was lightly edited and updated for new resources in 2020. If you’re interested in feet, check out Our Favorite Feet, Footwear, and Walking Resources. I was the expert for this Livestrong…
Hanging, Baby Style
I’m not going to type much today. Today’s post is a video Zen “first time” moment. P.S. She’s 3 weeks shy of her 1st birthday and been working up to this since she was about…
Beyond Physical Alignment
This is how it went down: My husband and I decided that we wanted to travel abroad for a year. But in order to do this, we needed to get a bunch of work done…
Dream Classroom
This post from 2013 has been slightly edited February 2019 to remain up to date as well as connect you to other related articles! I’ve received a very exciting letter: My hubby is a 5th…