Five years ago a man attended a workshop of mine and mentioned a game designed to train the senses. I just got around to playing it a month ago. We played it and it turned…
Girly hips.
Dear World, I have a lot of things to get done today. Would you mind not covering stories like Hip Replacements More Likely to Fail in Women all posting it all over the place? It’s…
Belated Community Valentine
I get asked a lot of questions about a lot of stuff, but in the top 10 is always: How do you get so much stuff done? Here’s my secret: I don’t do it all…
Plane nonsense.
Day 1,453 of my road trip. The stars have aligned and both children are sleeping. I have nothing cohesive to offer, but I do have some random thoughts. Thought: I see the world in terms…
When Making Music Hurts
Hey! I’m in California, getting ready for a certification week with our soon-to-be-Restorative Exercise grads from all over the world.Which is why I am very excited to have Restorative Exercise Specialist™ Chris Altman contribute today.…
About this blog, in 2013
Once upon a time (in 2007) this blog was written for about 20 people who had taken my certification course, as a way to answer questions, continue education, etc. Then, somewhere along the way, it…
KatySays: Gift Ideas
I’m not a big fan of holiday shopping because I’m not a fan of shopping in general, nor am I a fan of new stuff. I mean, I like stuff that is new-to-me, just not…
Neutral Pelvis, Too
This article from 2010 has been edited, updated, and expanded in 2020. If you’re looking for more on the pelvis, find our overarching movement philosophy and how it relates to pelvic issues, as well as…
Card half empty or full?
I decided to make holiday cards this year, which is funny as I am the least crafty and creative person of all time. And while I adore hand-made things, I’ve never actually completed a project…
Eyes (and meatus) open
Check out this article: The Shape of the Urine Stream — From Biophysics to Diagnostics. A title like that makes me go weak in the knees. In a nutshell, because the flow rate created by…
What the Queef?
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Diastasis Recti. If you’d like movement instruction via video, start with Smart Digestion. I can’t believe I’m about to…