It’s not easy writing long-winded blog posts. It’s much easier giving long-winded speeches. Just ask anyone who knows me. Today’s Facebook post: Ask a question and you’ll get a single-sentence answer and a link “for…
Ramblings from my pelvis.
I like to help people think about their body in a slightly different way. I also like to help people understand their body a bit more. I also realllly like pelves. Which is the plural…
A Podiatrist on Kid Feet, Shoes, and Orthotics
This post from 2012 was lightly edited (photos added and resources updated) in 2020. For more information on kid and baby movement, read through our favorite resources at More Movement for Babies and Kids. For…
Men have pelves too
A couple of years ago I was interviewed for a blog post about Kegels and why they weren’t a great long-term solution for pelvic floor disorders. Then, the sky blew up. Then it settled down.…
Weight Bearing Status
In my book about feet I also talk about bone. I also talk about a lot of other things, but because a big giant high heeled shoe is on the cover, it’s probably always going…
The Missing M(Ass)
This post from 2012 was updated in 2020. For more of our favorite pregnancy resources, check out Moving Well During Pregnancy. I’m often sent questions about pregnancy and posture and what I think I think…
What’s in a name?
You perhaps learned along that way that a tendon attaches muscle to bone. And that a ligament will attach one bone to another. And if you are anything like me, the next question you asked…
Want traps with that?
Yesterday I posted this little diddie on our Facebook page: Raise your left arm into the air. Great. Now check and see if the shoulder joint also went into the air. Did it? Now, put…
Forward Bend: Modified
This article from 2012 was lightly edited in 2020. For more healthy pelvis resources and exercises, read through Our Best “Healthy Pelvis” Resources. The forward bend, or yoga’s uttanasana is probably the most basic hamstring-using…
“W” Sitting
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Don’t Just Sit There. If you’d like movement instruction via video, start with Alignment Snacks: Hips Don’t Lie, They…
Pregnant Body Alignment
This post, originally written in July 2012 was updated in March 2020, to include new images, resources, and updated language. For more pregnancy resources check out our list of favorites at Moving Well During Pregnancy. …
Your Butt-to-Chair Ratio
We rented a mountain cabin for a few days off amidst my book/lecture tour. And like any good scientist (or babysitter), I searched the house looking for hidden stuff. Upstairs in a tiny cove I…