I swore that when I had a kid, there would be no flashing, beeping, or otherwise annoying toys in my house. Now the great thing about these toys is they help develop motor skills. When…
My Manifesto
Ok, so I read this great article on the 26 blogs every blogger should write because blogging, while I love it, is basically a hobby I do when I’m not working. And I’m never not…
5 things you (probably) didn’t know about osteoporosis.
1. Johann Friedrich Georg Christian Martin Lobstein While you may not recognize the name, you surely know the name this French pathologist gave to bone he found with large, porous holes in it: osteoporosis (osteo=bone,…
Pelvic Floor Party: Anniversary Special
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Alignment Matters. If you’d like movement instruction via video, start with Nutritious Movement for a Healthy Pelvis. Once upon…
7 (foot) Signs Summer Has Arrived
1. You just bought a new ($37.00) bottle of O.P.I. nail polish called: “I just may quit my job” 2. You can tell from your tan lines what shoes you were wearing yesterday. 3. The…
Compensatory Mechanisms
I actually thought my book was done when I turned it in in January, but then came the first round of edits. And then the second round. And then there was organizing the photos. And…
5 things you didn’t know about exercise and high blood pressure.
Since I am on a cardiovascular roll, I thought I’d keep going. One of the most frustrating things I experience as a scientist of human mechanics is the constant mis-prescription of exercise that is happening…
More Blood Physics
Today’s word is hemodynamics. I actually prefer the spelling haemodynamics, probably because my dad is Canadian, and I like to mix it up. Fun fact: I wanted to name my kid something original with reversed…
Are you STILL sitting?
I thought that it would be easy meeting my blogging schedule with a newborn because don’t they sleep a lot? Turns out, not so much. And it also turns out that I have too many…
Alignment Check
I’m not normally a ranter (lie. total lie.) but I had to tear this out of a magazine to share with you. See anything interesting? Answer me this. If the angle of the tires on…
ABCs, Baby Version
A baby was born. And then no one slept for one hundred years. What is up with that?? Breastfeeding. I love everything about it except for the sore neck and shoulders. After a fatiguing birthing…
Ok, before you read any further, you must read this article: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/04/virtual-whiskers-probe-sense-of-.html I TOLD you biomechanics was cool! So, here’s my commentary. We humans may not whisk (except for my dad, who like the rat…