Sorry to be gone for so long, peeps. I was busy, you know, having a baby. I am clearly not one of those bloggers who can post while in labor and take pictures of my…
Seeing the Signs.
Today, walking about town I was struck at the notion that someday, future populations are going to be making large assumptions about us just as we make large assumptions about populations past. These assumptions are…
15 Blogs in 60 Minutes
In my head-cold haze last week, I developed some sort of writer’s block. In an attempt to get the juices flowing, I asked on the Aligned and Well Facebook page for blog topics of burning…
Aligning or Relaxin Before Pregnancy?
This article from 2011 was updated and expanded in 2020. You can find all our favorite pregnancy resources gathered in Moving Well During Pregnancy. This morning I received this question and thought it was important…
When push comes to shove…
Last week we talked about pushing out the pelvic organs. Not the best thing. Today we talk pushing out a baby. Much better thing. I’m going to attempt to explain the physics of vaginal delivery…
Push em out, push em out…
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Diastasis Recti. If you’d like movement instruction via video, start with Nutritious Movement for a Healthy Pelvis. Did you…
Aching for an Answer
This article from 2011 has been EXPANDED, edited and resources updated in 2020. If you’re looking for more on the pelvis, find our overarching movement philosophy and how it relates to pelvic issues, as well…
The Coconut Workout
I love coconut water, don’t you? For my dosha (pitta) any my lifestyle (active), the large quantities of minerals, anti-fungal properties, and hydration the fluid found in young coconuts suits me to a T. (Does…
She's baaaaack!
HEY! Where have you been? Oh, wait. Sorry. I was talking to myself. I can’t BELIEVE it has been two months since my last post, BUT, here are some things I have done in my…
Psoas, The New Black
Last year, scarves seemed to make an appearance on the fashion scene. Until then, my only scarf use equaled going to Washington to visit family and using it to keep my neck warm. Now, I’m…
All About Your Knees
How do I answer 50 emails asking the same question? With a video blog, baby, that’s how. Here are the top sellers of the Aligned and Well DVD line: “Down There” for Women, Biomechanics for…