Today, I’m giving you a challenge: Stop lifting your chin. Somewhere along the lines of your life, you started lifting up your chin. This habit starts for any number of reasons, including: You were told…
Un-pimp your ride.
Being an alignment specialist, my facilities have often been listed under Alignment in the phone book. Which means that yes, I have received the inevitable phone call, asking how much I charge for fixing mal-aligned…
Natural Mama
Have you rested up from the last pregnancy and pain post? Then you’re ready for part deux. The following article is a work-in-progress for birthing professionals, but I think everyone can benefit from reading it.…
Things I find very scary.
1. Mannequins. Not because they are painfully more fashionable than I, but because they are good at reflecting the status quo. And right now, the status quo looks like this: 2. The fact that one…
Year of the Upper Body
I’ve decided that 2012 will be the year I dedicate to unprecedented upper body strength, of course knowing that upper body strength requires middle and lower body strength, which requires a suppleness to all tissues,…
This article from 2011 was edited and updated with new photos and resources in 2020. To find more healthy pelvis information, check out this list of Our Best “Healthy Pelvis” Resources. I’m trying to write…