This post from 2013 was edited, updated, and expanded in 2020. This is one of a handful of our favorite articles on walking, including topics covering what various “walking parts” do as well as other…
Snapping Psoas, Hidden Tiger
This post was updated February 2020, to include new images, updated resources and some editing to make it more clear (I’m a better writer nine years later. Maybe.). Have you ever gotten up from a…
5 Tips on Saving Your Knees
If you’re interested in reading more on ideas presented in the article below, I suggest reading Dynamic Aging. If you’d like movement instruction via video, start with our Movement Multivitamin. Today is my mom’s birthday.…
Open your ribs, open your mind.
We all can use better shoulder, rib, and waist mobility for optimal breathing. I’m going to teach you a stretch that helps. Side Bend: Standing up in your own personal version of “straight”, reach your…
This article from 2011 has been edited and updated April, 2020. Find more pelvis and pelvic floor articles, exercises, and recommendations at “Our Best “Healthy Pelvis” Resources.” The sacrum—the bone that sits at the bottom…
Quick Questions
One of the benefits of being an Aligned and Well Facebook friend, besides the obvious prestige, is when I do a Q&A session. Last week I requested friends to ask a quick question. You can…