This is the second guest post ever on, but it is the FIRST in which "Katy" is used as a verb. Let's welcome Healthy Foot Practitioner and Whole-Body Student Annette as she shares what it is like to be an alignment addict! - KB Hi. I’m Annette, and I’m an alignment addict. All together now...Hi Annette. It was two years ago now that I discovered Katy and her blog. I can’t quite remember exactly how I found it, but I’m pretty sure someone posted something on twitter about some podcast discussing something about not doing kegels. As a “mature” woman closing in on menopause with the various issues associated with that and one who had always thought she should be doing MORE kegels but wouldn’t, I was intrigued. The whole menopause thing wasn’t my only draw. I’ve had some feet issues too. Once I started reading Katy’s “stuff” and doing the Rxercises on the DVDs, I realized how much I needed this information - and how much I wanted my daughters to comprehend the importance of this so they don’t continue in our bad habits. So I read post after post, and I bought a couple of DVDs particularly “Down There for Women” and “Fix Your Feet”. And then more DVDs. And I stalked and watched webinars and shared and stalked. All.The.Time. My guess is that if you’ve spent more than five minutes here on Katy’s blog, you’re pretty close to being an addict too. But just to confirm the fact, let’s review 12 simple clues to know you are definitely an alignment junkie - like me. Clue #1. You have Katy’s RSS feed on your Netvibes, and in your Google Reader, and in your Yahoo reader and in get the picture...just in case you open one before the other - you don’t want to miss anything new or important. Clue # 2. You’ve signed up for the emails of blog posts with more than one email address. You never know when something important might get lost in cyber space and who knows, Katy might email out the post before it refreshes in Netvibes or you check the blog for the 20th time that day. Clue #3. Every time Katy introduces a new online class you sign up without even reading the details. Even if you’ve not had the chance to go through the last class you purchased. Or the one before that. (To my credit I’ve watched almost all of them now). Clue #4. You have multiple copies of her DVDs so you’re able to grab one at any moment and “Katy”. Clue #5. You have at least one half dome and yoga strap in every main room of the house and are considering carrying a larger purse to be able to carry a small half dome and “Katy” everywhere you go. Clue #6. You are convinced everyone should go barefoot - everywhere. And you make sure to point it out to everyone...especially when one of the “everyones” is your daughter and she’s oogling a pair of 1940s inspired pumps. Nooooo!Clue #7. You think Earth shoes are “adorable.” And you tell your kids just that. Ok, so maybe not so much, but because you’ve been stalking for so long you’ve convinced yourself that yes, indeed, those shoes are just as cute as the 1940s inspired pumps. I did have a man in the checkout line at the grocery store tell me he thought they were “pretty”, but I think he was drunk. Clue #8.You look for every opportunity possible to “Katy”. You’ve been known to walk toward the back of your church and double calf stretch or pelvic list in the middle of the sermon. If you are alone in the grocery aisle you’ll even hang onto the cart and back up your hips and stretch away. You “Katy” every chance you get. Clue #9. Whenever someone says “my feet hurt” you’re ready to evangelize the alignment message - even if they don’t want to hear it. You shake your head in amazement when your best friend is wearing heels AGAIN even after you’ve told her she needs to “Katy.” Clue #10. You’re constantly telling your young adult daughters... “You need to go ‘Katy’”, “Number 4’ll help!” or “Gimme 10 floor angels, now!” Clue # 11. You actually wear leopard print rain Earth boots because you won them in a blog giveaway that Katy posted. And you really do think they’re adorable! Even though you’re almost fifty years old and things like that are made for the twenty-something crowd.
Clue #12. When you submit your first test to be graded by Katy after finally jumping in on her certification course you check your email every 5 seconds to see if she got it and has graded it yet so you can have a title to go with your obsession. Ok, ok. So the clues probably don’t fit you exactly. But this is my Katy alignment addiction story. You can share yours below! Also know I’ll keep stalking - because everything I’m learning and doing is working. And because I think Katy and her husband make really cute babies and she might posts pictures of them. Better log into Netvibes now... Annette Yen is a Healthy Foot Practitioner™ in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. You can follow her brand new healthy foot blog at Make sure you sign up for her preferred client list for special discounts on classes and more!